I am expecting more marine animals found in this attraction when we visit but we're disappointed.
Because the sea lion here was the sea lion who perform on sea lion show , nothing more.
If you think that this is a real penguin that talk , now i'm telling you that your wrong :)
This is just a vid or like your watching in big screen a vid of Penguin who's talking and medyo makulit . That's it !.
Brahminy Kites (Haliastur indus) locally known as Lawin in Tagalog may found inside these attaction. The Birds of Prey Kingdom.
This bird is nice and friendly to people , unlike other birds if people come close will fly fast, this bird is not , they allow their visitor to take a photo with them.
The schedule of these attraction was Mondays to Fridays at 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and on weekends / holidays at 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m
The hall is filled with many jellies dance with the soothing music also changing of different colors of back light . The dancing fairies .. the dancing jellies :)